La Tupina
So to Bordeaux. S was determined to have lunch at La Tupina, a fantastically good restaurant recommended by a friend at work. This involved a fair old trudge across the R. Garonne to la gare in Cerons so we set off at the crack of, togged in our 'going out' south of France style linen ensembles. Being super efficient I google mapped the route which said '59 min' to walk; no problem, allowed 1h 45 min, memorised the route and off we went . . . cut to edge of ring-road by the river . . .
H: 'this road is new, we seem to be going in a large circle'
S: 'yes, so it seems . . .'
H: 'let's try this track between the river and the corn field, I'm sure it will take us in the right direction . . .'
Well, you get the idea. We passed the fella in the picture twice, separated by 30 mins of sweaty slogging, and got to the station with 1 min to spare, so all was well, and we arrived in Bordeaux sweating like Billy Bunter doing the ten tors, and made straight for the café.
So, now to recce la restaurant. Google maps informed me it was not too far away, and indeed we fetched up at Tupina which looked, seemed, was in fact, a bog standard caf' . . .
S: are you sure this is the right street?
H: yes, positive
S: are you absolutely sure?
H: yes; look, I'll try my other gps . . .yes, all it checks out fine.
Both: stuff that, let's find somewhere else.
Cut to 2 h later of trudging round Bordeaux and getting close to lunch. . .
Both: actually, that La Tupina doesn't look too bad now . . . let's go back there for lunch
Cut to the approach from the other end of the street . . .
H: hey, isn't that posh looking place with the tablecloths, maitre de and braying hedge fund owning customer also called La Tupina?
S: so it is, lets look at the menu
. . . silence while we peruse the menu, never getting further than the €25 starters . . .
Both: ok, the other place it is then
So we had an excellent four course lunch at CAFE Tupina for €14 per head!
Bon Soir