Thursday, 16 October 2008

Free stuff

Riding to work every day is good because it gets me there in 10 min. whereas walking takes 30. And, because I dont have any gears (well 1 actually) I get to strain my b******s when pedalling up hill, especially on the way back, which is the right way round to do it 'cos then I don't get sweaty on the way in....enough said! BUT, when the local constabulary give me £25 worth of bike lock for getting my beater tagged then that is what I call value for money - 4 bikes (and 4 locks) to go then!

Tuesday, 7 October 2008

One sprained ankle

Not bad considering I've been riding to work on the fixie; it doesn't half kill the knees though. Plymouth being hilly there is simply no ideal gear, esp. when the wind blows making downhill up and uphill walking. Geeting fit though.

Thursday, 2 October 2008

Going Fixed

Long time no post. Well, the upshot is I'm fixing up a fixed wheel bike, my fixie project if you like. Partly because I have an old crapped-out mtb frame doing nothing and partly because it's urban cool...oh and 'cos it keeps me fit. So watch out for the fixed experience coming soon.