House Elves
I arose to find that the house elves (i.e. S) had been busy overnight, with practically the whole contents of our panniers festooned across a makeshift washing line and tent - today we will have clean, dry clothes!
Today we took a leisurely ride along the R. Charentes to Jarnac, which is the home of Courvoisier Cognac. Now, if you are a regular reader you will know from last year that S cannot be restrained when the opportunity arises to lay a stack of wonga on some luxury beverage or other, and today was no exception (see crazed look at prospect below) as we took the tour of the Courvoisier distillery. So, armed with the knowledge of double distilled and oak-aged liquid gold, we emerged into the marketing vestibule for the degustation. Arrayed in plinths were the various grades of Cognac, with 'VS' and 'VSOP' being 'OK for cocktails' according to our host. On hearing this I thought it best to withhold my query of "do you have any 'V' . . ." as possibly belaying a lack of sophistication, or impecuniousness on my part. I needn't have worried, S kept the flag flying by being the only person on the tour to splash the cash on a bottle of anything, and that being 'XO' (don't ask). So now we have a bottle of premium cru which we can't drink because I only brought a couple of enamel mugs with us!
There is no other way to describe it, the water in the campsite tastes like TCP. I queried this with the receptionist who replied 'I don't know, I never drink it'. From now on S will be despatched to the supermarche to add water carrying duties to her list of camping tasks. On the plus side, at least my leg wound is re-sterilised after every shower.
Like the not asking for V. To be a bit uncouth the XO does come in a glass but don't be rash and throw the cork away.